Dot BD Domain Registration







Dot bd Domain Registration in Bangladesh

BTCL Dot BD Domain Registration

.BD domain is a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) specifically designated for Bangladesh. It is widely used by businesses, organizations, and individuals within the country to establish a distinct online presence. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the meaning of, its significance, how it works, the registration process, and other essential information. Buy dot bd domain with bkash. Hostseba includes the following services with every domain. We accept Bkash, Nagad, Rocket, Paypal, Bank Transfer, Visa Master Cards. com bd domain

Buy Domain Now

Dot BD Domain Price

Check the detailed pricing of the country top level domain for Bangladesh.

Domain TLDs Min. Years Registration per year Renewal per year 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT 2 ৳2500.59 BDT ৳2500.59 BDT
Domain Renew

Renew Your Domain

At Hostseba, renewing your domain is easy and hassle-free. We're always ready to help you renew your domain quickly and efficiently to ensure customer satisfaction. You can renew your domain at any time through our website, and our customer support team is available 24/7 via chat, phone, and email to assist you with the renewal process. Don't waste any time, renew your domain with Hostseba as soon as possible to avoid any disruption to your online presence. Buy domain in Bangladesh.

Renew Your Domain Now

Transfer Your Domain To Us

If you already have a domain registered with another provider and want to transfer it to Hostseba, we can assist you with the process. Simply click on the Transfer Now button on our website, fill out the form with your domain name and EPP code, and submit the form. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to help you through the transfer process, so don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. With Hostseba, transferring your domain is a seamless process. Domain price bd.

Transfer Your Domain Now
Domain Transfer

How to Buy a Domain Name?

Selecting a domain name

1st Step:

Selecting a domain name is the first step towards registering a domain with Hostseba. You can visit Hostseba's website and search for the desired domain name. Check the availability of the domain name and choose the desired top-level domain (TLD). It's essential to consider factors such as brand identity, search engine optimization, and ease of memorization when selecting a domain name. Buy domain in bd

2nd Step:

Creating an account on Hostseba's website is necessary to register a domain name. You will need to provide your personal and payment information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and billing address. Once you have created an account, verify your email address and set a strong password to secure your account. Additionally, you can choose a hosting plan to link your domain name to a website. Domain in Bangladesh.

Creating an account
Payment methods

3rd Step:

Placing an order and paying online is the final step to register a domain name with Hostseba. Review your order summary and make any necessary changes. Choose a payment method, such as credit/debit card or bank transfer, and enter your payment information. Confirm and complete the payment process to register your domain name. Once the payment is confirmed, Hostseba will register the domain name, and you will receive a confirmation email. bd domain price.

What is a Domain?


A domain is a unique string of characters that identifies a website on the internet. It is part of a website's URL (Uniform Resource Locator), which is used to access web pages and other online content. A domain name can consist of letters, numbers, and hyphens, and it can be followed by a top-level domain (TLD), such as .com, .org, .net, or country-specific TLDs like .bd for Bangladesh. Domain registration in Bangladesh.

Domains are used to simplify the process of accessing websites and to make them more memorable. Instead of having to remember a long string of numbers (known as an IP address) to access a website, users can simply type in a domain name into their web browser's address bar. Additionally, a domain name can serve as a brand identifier for a website, making it easier for people to recognize and remember the website. Domain price in Bangladesh.

What is Domain

How Does the Domain Work?

How Does the Domain Work

The Domain Name System (DNS) is responsible for the functionality of domains on the internet. When a user enters a domain name into their web browser's address bar, the DNS converts the domain name into a corresponding IP address, which is a unique numerical identifier for the website's server. bd domain.

Firstly, the web browser sends a request to a DNS resolver to translate the domain name into an IP address. The resolver then sends a request to the DNS root server, which points the resolver to the appropriate TLD server for the requested domain name. The TLD server, in turn, directs the resolver to the authoritative DNS server for the domain name.

The authoritative DNS server responds to the resolver with the IP address of the website's server. The resolver then sends a request to the website's server for the web page content, using the IP address it received. The website's server sends the requested content back to the user's web browser, which displays the web page to the user.

In summary, the DNS translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses, allowing users to access websites using easy-to-remember domain names instead of complicated IP addresses. com domain price in bd.

The Importance of the Domain


The domain is a crucial element of a website, and it plays a significant role in establishing a website's identity and visibility on the internet. Here are some key reasons why the domain is essential:

  • Brand Identity: A domain name can serve as a brand identifier for a website, making it easier for people to remember and find the website. By choosing a domain name that is related to the website's content or business name, website owners can establish their brand identity and differentiate themselves from competitors.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The domain name can also impact a website's search engine ranking. Including relevant keywords in the domain name can improve the website's visibility in search engine results pages, making it more likely to be discovered by potential customers or visitors.
  • Credibility and Professionalism: Having a custom domain name, rather than a free subdomain (such as or, can enhance a website's credibility and professionalism. It can also make the website appear more trustworthy and legitimate to potential visitors. Buy a domain in Bangladesh.
  • Email Address: A custom domain name can also be used to create a professional email address, which can help to build trust with customers and clients. For example, using an email address like can create a more professional impression than using a free email service like Gmail or Yahoo.
  • Overall, a domain name is a valuable asset for any website, and it can impact a website's success in various ways, including branding, SEO, credibility, and professionalism. bd domain price.

Importance of the Domain

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying a Domain

Buying a Domain

When buying a domain name, there are several things that you should keep in mind to ensure that you choose the right domain registrar and domain name for your needs. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Price: The price of the domain registration can vary depending on the domain registrar and the top-level domain (TLD) that you choose. Make sure to compare prices from different registrars and look for any hidden fees or renewal costs. Domain purchase in Bangladesh.
  • Domain Availability: The availability of the domain name that you want is another crucial factor to consider. Make sure to check if the domain name you want is available, and if not, consider alternative options or variations.
  • Domain Extensions: There are various domain extensions to choose from, including .com, .net, .org, and country-specific TLDs like .bd for Bangladesh. Consider which TLD will best represent your website's purpose and target audience.
  • Reputation of the Registrar: It is important to choose a reputable and reliable domain registrar to ensure that your domain name is registered correctly and that you receive proper customer support. BD Domain Registration.
  • Security: Look for domain registrars that offer security features such as DNSSEC and two-factor authentication to protect your domain name from unauthorized access or cyber attacks.
  • Customer Support: Check the availability and responsiveness of customer support channels such as email, phone, and live chat. Good customer support can help you resolve any issues or questions that you may have during the domain registration process.
  • By considering these factors, you can choose the right domain registrar and domain name for your website and ensure a smooth and hassle-free domain registration experience. Domain name provider in Bangladesh.

Frequent Answers & Questions of Domain

A .bd domain is a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) specific to Bangladesh. It is used to represent websites associated with individuals, companies, government entities, NGOs, educational institutions, and other organizations based in Bangladesh.

Various types of entities can register a .bd domain, including individuals, companies, government organizations, NGOs, welfare organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.

To register a .bd domain for personal use, you will typically need to provide your National ID Card (NID). The domain name should match the name on the NID card.

When registering a .bd domain for a company, you will generally need to submit a scan copy of the company's trade license and the National ID Card (NID) of the authorized representative. The company's domain name should align with its registered name.

We provide multiple payment system like bKash, Rocket, Nagad, OK Wallet, DBBL, VISA, Mastercard and more.

For a government domain registration, you will typically need a forwarding letter issued by the concerned authority on the institution's letterhead pad, the National ID Card (NID) of the authorized representative, and the domain name should reflect the government entity's name.

To register a .bd domain for an NGO, welfare organization, or non-profit organization, you will typically need a registration certificate issued by the Social Welfare Ministry, the National ID Card (NID) of the authorized representative, and the domain name should include the organizational entity.

Yes, when registering an educational .bd domain, you will generally need a forwarding letter issued by the concerned authority of the institution, an institution approval letter issued by the relevant government authority, mobile number and email address listed in the Government EIIN Database, and the National ID Card (NID) of the applicant.

The domain name you choose must adhere to the guidelines and policies set by the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC). It should not violate any trademark rights, be offensive, or infringe upon any laws or regulations.

Registrations for .bd domains can be made through authorized registrars approved by the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC). These registrars can provide the necessary guidance and support throughout the registration process.

The registration process duration can vary depending on the registrar and the completeness of the required documentation. It typically takes a few business days to process the application and complete the registration.

The initial registration period for a .bd domain is typically one year. After that, the domain can be renewed for additional one-year periods.

Yes, it is possible to transfer an existing domain to a .bd domain. The process usually involves following the necessary domain transfer procedures and meeting the requirements set by the registrar and the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC).